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Serrana cold cuts

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There are 8 products.

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Lomo Gran Reserva

High-quality "Gran Reserva" Lomo from Spanish pork used to make Serrano ham.

Lomo is the pork tenderloin that is dried and smoked.

Various weights available.

Mild smoked cular chorizo

Chorizo cular extra traditionally prepared, with the best pork meats and matured in large natural tripe (hence the name cular), it is lightly smoked with the best oak or beech woods. This is a typically Spanish chorizo of surprising quality.

This chorizo has no additives or preservatives and is produced and smoked by hand.

PIQUANT smoked cular chorizo

Chorizo piquant cular extra traditionally prepared, with the best pork meats and matured in large natural tripe (hence the name cular), it is lightly smoked with the best oak or beech woods. This is a typically Spanish chorizo of surprising quality.

This chorizo has no additives or preservatives and is produced and smoked by hand.

STIRING smoked chorizo 450 grs

Extra spicy chorizo with traditional flavor, prepared with the finest pork meats and matured in natural tripe, lightly smoked with oak or beech wood. This is one of the most representative products of Spanish gastronomy.
It is lightly spiced to allow you to enjoy the product to the full.

This chorizo is a quality product you\'ll appreciate.
No additives or preservatives.

Weight 450 grs.

Mild smoked chorizo 450 grs

Extra mild chorizo with traditional flavor, prepared with the finest pork meats and matured in natural tripe, lightly smoked with oak or beech wood. It is one of the most representative products of Spanish gastronomy.
This chorizo is a quality product that you will appreciate.
No additives or preservatives.
Weight 450 grs.

Catalan Truffle Fuet 150 grs

Catalanfuet with winter truffles. This fuet is a fine sausage that can be dried to your liking.
Dried in natural tripe.
An excellent sausage to be enjoyed in thin slices at room temperature.
Fuet is a very popular sausage in the Catalan region.

150 grs.

Burgos Morcilla with rice and onions 330 grs

Traditional Burgos morcilla is a blood sausage made with rice and onion.
The secret to preparing this product properly is to slice it and grill it either in a pan or on the barbecue.
The outside will remain crispy and the result is excellent. A must-try!

330 grs.

13.64 €/kg

Serrana cold cuts

Serrano and serrana come from the Spanish word for mountain, "sierra".

Serrana charcuterie is therefore charcuterie made in the mountains. Although with today's means it can be produced in less mountainous areas.

In this product category we include only white pork cured meats. We dedicate a category esxlusively to Serrano ham.

If you prefer Iberian pork cured meats, please consult our Iberian cured meats and Pata Negra Iberian ham section.